
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hi guyssss!!! How are u?? Wah ga kerasa nih ya kita udh di akhir November, cepet banget ya waktu ini.. Dan ntar lg udah December which means... CHRISTMAS!!!! I'm so excitedddd.. Can't wait to go back to Surabaya and celebrate Christmas with my familyyyy.. Dan Thanks God juga untuk pertama kalinya, aq bisa ikut acara natal di gereja aq, Hillsong Church, Sydney pada tanggal 10 n 11 December nanti.. Dan pasnya lg, tanggal 10 itu hari terakhir aq final exam!!!! Malemnya langsung bisa ke Hillsong, meet my friends and watching the Christmas show there.. WOW WOW and WOW.. hehehhehehe.. Dulu aq sempet sedih teman2, mikir kalo aq ga bisa ikut natal di Hillsong, terus aq doa, gmn nih God pengen banget ikut :(.. Dan alhasil, seminggu 2 minggu kemudian, ternyata tanggal acaranya itu tanggal 10.. At that time, I was so happyyyy, it's so true that God listens to our prayer :):) Anyway, pada post kali ini, aq akan share pengalaman aq ke kalian tentang apa yang terjadi di bulan November ini.. This November is one of the best month ever in my life.. I thank Him for it :)

In this November, the topic at my church was Soulvember.. It's all about the growth of our soul in Him.. And yes, I grow stronger and stronger in Him.. I can see everything from His perspective now.. How big He is, and how small I am.. I do realize that.. Let Him becomes bigger in me and I become smaller.. It's all for His glory.. Prasaan sukacita luar biasa yang aq rasakan setiap hari ini tidak dapat ditukar dengan apapun teman2.. It's PRICELESS!!! And I'm so GRATEFUL to have a CHANCE to know Him.. I dont know what will happen to my life if I did not turn my eyes on Him.. Sebelum mengenal Dia, hidup saya ini udah ga ada artinya teman2.. Pada saat sy sakit hati, dulu saya merasa 'Udah hancur dah hidup sy, udah ga ada artinya.. Mau mati juga terserah ga peduli' Sempet lho dulu punya pikiran kaya gt.. Sampai pada akhirnya koko mengajak sy ke greja dan sy mengenal Dia.. It's so amazing!!! 

Since I put my life in Him, everything's so different..He changed me.. From the inside out til I become what I am now.. It's all because of Him.. and of course, dukungan dari orang tua dan teman2 yang tidak pernah berhenti.. Oh I feel so BLESSED in this life.. His way is so UNPREDICTABLE in my life, but always in a APPROPRIATE time.. I just stand there, AMAZED, IN AWE, NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE this kind of feeling.. Bagaimana Dia mengajarkan saya untuk merendahkan diri dan belajar untuk melayani orang lain, menunjukkan kepada saya bahwa pengharapan dan masa depan itu sungguh ada di dlm Dia.. Bagaimana Dia mengampuni dan MENGHAPUS semua kesalahan yang saya lakukan dulu dan diberi kesempatan untuk lahir baru.. just by HIS GRACE I am here now.. All I got now it's just FAR BEYOND, compare to what I expected.. He's just too AWESOME.. too BIG.. too WONDERFUL for me.. That's why I wanna share it with u guys, maybe it can be a blessing for all of u too.. He's my Father, my Redeemer, my Healer, my Saviour, and my Everything in this life.. I will NEVER become a winner in this life WITHOUT Him.. NEVER.. EVERYTHING IS NOTHING WITHOUT HIM.. 

Once, aq pernah bermimpi tentang pergi ke Hillsong di Sydney.. And now, Hillsong is my church here!! Bagaimana aq bersyukur sekali bisa menjadi part of this church, bagaimana this church juga memberikan partisipasi yang luar biasa dalam pertumbuhan iman dalam diri sy.. I'm so happy nowwww!!!! Hahahhahahha.. And once again I'm so grateful with everything I got in my life.. How He PLACED me here, and give me a chance to SERVE Him in every area in my life.. It's my JOY to honour Him.. It's a PLEASURE to serve Him.. ALL FOR HIS GLORY.. He's the MAIN attraction, not me.. Let His light shine in me so people can see How great He is.. I put all my hope and future just in Him.. Inget ya tmn2, manusia bisa mengecewakan tapi God will never.. Never ever membuat km kecewa.. PertolonganNya selalu datang tepat pada waktunya.. BELIEVE, have FAITH in Him.. What a MIGHTY God we serve.. Do u realize that? Strong in power and rich in love.. :) I'm so PROUD to say to all the people that THIS IS MY GOD.. MY LIVING GOD.. AND FOREVER, LET HIS NAME BE GLORIFIED..

Nih ada 1 lagu yang menjadi salah 1 lagu favoritku sekarang, aq share ke kalian semua ya.. Mg2 kalian suka.. One of my best friend showed it to me and since that time, I fell in love with this song.. Enjoy..

Last but not least, Cya again November.. Welcome December :):) It's gonna be an amazing month too I believe.. Thanks a lot guys for reading this post :) Be a blessing for others ok.. :D

Regards, Cindy

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