
Monday, September 2, 2013

A Declaration (1)

Greetings! Before starting, I just want to say Hello September to all of you.. Wuhuuuu.. Moga-moga jadi September ceria ya buat kita semua,hehehhe.. Also for all of you who lives in Australia, let's welcoming SPRING together!! :D Yes, it's Spring already! Here in Sydney is not that cold anymore :):) Sudah berhari-hari juga saya tidak memakai electric blanket yang biasanya hampir setiap hari saya pakai karena kedinginan..

It will be a short post also this time.. Few days ago, I had my sisterhood connect group here.. Sisterhood means they are all girls, no boys, LOL.. On that day, I am the one who's gonna share God's words.. Saya tidak akan menuliskannya semua disini sekarang karena nanti bisa menjadi sangat panjang.. I will write about the complete story later, perhaps in the next post after this.. Hohohohoh..

Setelah selesai menyampaikan cukup banyak hal kepada mereka semua, saya membagikan 3 lembar kertas kepada mereka satu per satu yang secara personal saya buat dan ketik sendiri.. Di kertas itu, saya mengetik beberapa prinsip yang saya praktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.. I also put some bible verses that until today, I often say to myself when I feel down..

For my connect group, I encourage them to put these papers on the place that they see often, or maybe they can take a picture and keep it in the phone so they can see and remember it always.. Thus, if you want to do it also, please feel free to copy and save it wherever you feel comfortable at.. :)

By showing this to you, I hope it can give you strength when you face difficult situations in your life.. Knowing that you are not alone in this world my friends.. 

- Realizing that our God is working BEHIND THE SCENE right now, to make things good. 

Semoga tulisan-tulisan ini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi kalian, A REMINDER untuk selalu berpegang teguh kepada iman yang didasarkan kepada kebenaran, serta tidak menyerah, selalu bangkit kembali & semangat dalam menggapai impian, 


" FOR THE LORD IS GOODand his love endures forever; HIS FAITHFULNESS CONTINUES through all generations" = Psalm 100:5

Regards, Cindy

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